Workshop 6 Unlocked!

Create Your Evergreen Content!

Coaches & Therapists – Get a taste of the Powerful Packages Program – with Lee Ashby

This is workshop 6 from the Powerful Packages program. It gives you a taste of what the full 12 workshop program has in store for you.

The full program is for coaches and therapists who are ready to grow their business and works smarter, not harder.

I’ve laid down over 7 and a half hours of video content, taking you step by step – to create your very own powerful package.

Powerful packages mean you can:

  • Authentically charge higher prices
  • Work smarter and with ideal clients
  • Reduce stress and burnout
  • Let your package do the heavy lifting
  • Let your tech make life easier
  • Be known as the go-to expert in your niche
  • Serve deeply and get your clients better outcomes
  • & so much more!

Free Chat

Get in touch using the form below, and let’s have a chat to see if Powerful Packages can help you grow and achieve the business success you desire.

Rather than list out all the benefits, and a whole heap of diagrams and marketing buzz. Let’s just touch base and see if we are a good fit.

If I think I can help you, a free strategy session (amazing value) is our next step to unpack where you’re at, and where you want to be – and how you will get there.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards, Lee.

Powerful Packages Overview
Powerful Packages Program - The Secret to Your Success

Free Chat - Enquiry Form