Improve Your Self to Improve Your Relationship
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The Be a Better Partner Program has been relocated to our website.
Program Overview Video
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How Could You 'Be a Better Partner?'
How are you showing up in your relationship?
Is there room to ‘be better’ in some way?
Take the assessment to find out.
If there is room, I wonder what specific areas you’d focus on?
And what difference would it make in your marriage / relationship?
What would that improvement mean for you?
My partner Jacqui is a successful Couples Counsellor who works deeply on complex and sensitive marital problems.
This is not that.
The Be a Better Partner Module helps you, in specific areas that help you live your best life – In turn you show up as a ‘better partner’.
Jacqui and I have developed this program from the ground up. It’s perfect for self improvement and breaking through relationships problems that can be handled outside of Marriage Counselling.
We are talking about:
- Communication techniques and listening skills.
- Self care and managing emotions like anger, fear and frustration.
- Feeling great, lowering stress and raising self awareness, and relational awareness.
- Being at peace and uUnderstanding what’s going on for you.
- Feeling confident and motivated, as your break old habits and set new healthy habits.
- Nuture your relationship with new environments, setting new standards for yourself and your relationship.
- Feel safe, and valued by setting boundaries and living more in the ‘healthy zone’.
- Rebuild trust and see what forgiveness and self-acceptance look like for you.
- Making sense of who you are, and the world around you.
- And so much more.
Watch the video above for a complete overview of the program.
Get started and take the assessment on our website