About Lee

Hi, I'm Lee!

I help you ‘become a better partner’ so that you can have a happy and more satisfying relationship.

Learn all about the new relationship coaching program ‘Be a Better Partner’ here.

To ‘see’ how you can be a better partner – Take the free assessment, on our jacquelinehogan.com website.

Lee Ashby Online Life Coach
Lee Ashby - Online Life Coach

Starting Our Counselling & Coaching Business

My desire for change was strong!

I finished up my job in Canberra as a Business Analyst in July 2016 and started Jacqueline Hogan Counselling with my partner Jacqui.

Over the last 7 years I’ve worked behind the scenes and have been training and serving as a Life Coach. During this time we have created a thriving Couples Counselling business.

In the beginning I grappled with all the usual small business challenges – including marketing, websites, client resources, systems, processes and heaps more! Not to mention, mindset, confidence, resilience, clarity and more.

I’m now a competent life coach and enjoy helping clients (like you) live healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives.

I also help other coaches and therapists to serve their clients on a deeper with Life Values and my Powerful Packages Program.

I created this website (leeashby.coach) to help you ‘be better’ – gain confidence, and make the changes to achieve the relationship and goals you desire.

I look forward to understanding how I can help you.

My Life Values

I’ts no secret, I’m big on values. In fact the first product Jacqui and I created was our deck of Life Values Cards. 

My values guide me and support me to be the best person I can be in all areas of my life.

 My current top 10 are…

  1. Vitality – For health, happiness and operating at my best.
  2. Integrity – For showing up consistently, living honestly and authentically.
  3. Love – For supporting, sharing and evolving together.
  4. Courage – For unwavering commitment and stability.
  5. Trust – For healthy relationships grounded in truth and responsibility. 
  6. Creativity – For expression and ideas to flow with purpose.
  7. Adventure – For expanding horizons and challenging beliefs.
  8. Meaning – For helping others and making a difference.
  9. Connection – For listening, supporting and achieving more together.
  10. Fulfillment – For guiding me toward self-actualisation.

My Work History

Before starting Jacqueline Hogan Counselling in 2016, I worked for Government departments in Canberra and Victoria. After starting out in IT, I moved into data analysis, desktop publishing, spatial mapping, projects, and performance reporting.
Later I hit my stride in business analysis, data visualisation, and project coordination. While interested in furthering my career as a Project Manager, the calling to start something of our own was too strong to ignore.
At the same time (around 2015) a major shift was happening in the IT space with SAAS (software as a service) exploding in popularity around the world. The opportunity to start a business with low capital was very appealing!
Changes were happening in the workplace and within me as well…

“I had grown tired of the office, the politics, the shirt and tie, and I felt unfulfilled. I felt so disconnected from making a difference.”

“I needed my life to count. I had to spend my time wisely. I just couldn’t wake up another decade later feeling like I hadn’t achieved anything!” – Lee Ashby

Specific & Relevant Coaching Training

  • Terry Real – Relational Life Institute – RLT Level 1 – 2022 & 2023
  • Working with Men – 2022 – Terry Real – Relational Life Institute
  • Taki Moore – Clients – 2022
  • Terry Real – Fierce Intimacy – 2022
  • Relationship Workshop Facilitator – Transformation Academy – 2022
  • The Confidence, Assertiveness and Emotional Intelligence Masterclass – with Kain Ramsay & Achology
  • The Complete Marriage and Relationships Masterclass – K.R. & Achology
  • The Communication Skills and Social Intelligence Masterclass – K.R. & Achology
  • The Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Masterclass – K.R. & Achology
  • Life Coaching Practitioner Diploma – K.R. & Achology
  • Diploma of Modern Applied Psychology – K.R. & Achology
  • Life Coaching Certificate Course (Beginner to Advanced)
  • Mindfulness Practitioner Course (Levels I,II,III & Master)
  • Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma – K.R. & Achology
  • Goal Setting to Success – Transformation Academy
  • Bachelor of Computing – La Trobe University Bendigo, 2003

“My life journey has been very rewarding and has laid the foundation for my thriving coaching career.” – Lee Ashby

My Vision for The Future

I thoroughly enjoy helping our clients achieve the breakthroughs they desire.
From breaking bad habits and getting unstuck, to smooth conversations and calm relationships; My work as a coach is truly rewarding, and is why I do what I do.
Because of my background in IT and projects, I love helping other coaches and therapists get organised and be successful.
I am committed to continuous personal improvement, mutual mentoring with other coaches and putting my principles into practice.
With the power of Zoom and technology, I connect with clients and coaches all over the world!
Isn’t technology just wonderful!

My Life Passions

I am passionate about technology, electric bikes, and electric skateboarding.

Together with my partner Jacqui, I pursue adventure, travel, and spending time with family and friends.

And of course, as a coach, I enjoy meeting new people!

I’d love to hear your story, and understand how I can help you.

Discover Your Next Steps below, or get in touch for a chat.

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