Cheat Sheet - Strengthen Good Habits
Habits are formed over time. The jury is out on how long it takes, depending on which book you read. No doubt it will vary from person to person, and the desire for change too.
Having said that. The hardest part is often getting started. Have you noticed that? When you are setting a new habit, it gets easier over time doesn’t it.
Therefore building good habits for yourself need to be made a priority against all your other commitments. Like work for example!
6 Lists for Daily Reminders
Download the daily habit building cheat sheet to strengthen good habits.
It contains 6 dot-point lists to build your good habits and implement the actions throughout your day.
Consistency and repetition will help you progress toward your goals faster and with less doubt and distraction.
Tip: Be sure to print the cheat sheet out and stick it to your fridge or desk where you will see it.
Download the Cheat Sheet
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