Being Better vs Feeling Better

Where it Started

The concept of Being Better over Feeling Better was an eye opener for me during my Life Coaching training with Kain Ramsay from Achology.

So simple, yet so powerful once you take this principle on board.

If you were like me in my 20’s you were more interested in Feeling Better, having fun, being entertained and maybe even avoiding your problems – because they’ll make you feel bad! right?

That all began to change in my 30’s. When personal development and self improvement took center stage. Life is a journey and cliched as that might sound, it means we have the opportunity to never stop learning and change!

What you’ll discover:

With this principle at the forefront of everything you do the imapact can be huge. Such as:

  • Leting go of things you’re doing to make you ‘feel better’ that aren’t serving you well.
  • Understanding the REAL reasons that are behind you wanting to ‘feel better’?
  • Knowing how Being Better outshines ‘Feeling Better’ for consistent fulfillment and real happiness.

So what can you change today to be better tomorrow?

The answers may elude you right now. But with a little work and some simple changes you too will soon be on the path to a more rewarding life.

For now, start by doing the Life Balance Assessment  to see whats working well, and whats missing.

get started on Becoming Better.

Then, take the time to explore and find your passion & purpose.

These two resources go hand in hand in making the shift from feeling better toward ‘being better’.

Need some guidance? Feeling stuck? Tried to change before and slipped back into your old ways?

Let’s talk about it in a discovery session and see what will help.